Week 15: Your Marketing Strategy

 This course has taught me a lot of tools I was not using on platforms I use daily, I learned how to schedule a post for the week, how to create a newsletter, create ads on Instagram and Facebook, and became more familiar with LinkedIn. All of these are very beneficial for my business to continue its growth. I really enjoyed creating content and working with new features to promote what my business offers, Instagram and Facebook are the two main tools that have been successful for my business I will continue to post often and be active on these platforms by using their weekly schedule feature, ads, and Reels. I plan on working on building up other platforms like Twitter and Linkedin to gain more knowledge on the field I have my business in. I am going to continue to send out a monthly newsletter to promote new items, coupons, and our monthly cake menu, I'll be sending them out once a month, I feel like that is not too many emails or too little emails.

I post on Instagram every 2/3 days and started scheduling posts for Facebook every Sunday for the rest of the week, I have scheduled the post on the same days I post on Instagram so I can have the same content on both platforms. I post after 5pm I have noticed I receive more interaction between 5-8 pm.


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